“All three candidates have been endorsed by Transform Education Now, whose co-founder is married to Villagrana. Jones and Villagrana have also been endorsed by Stand for Children.”
See https://www.facebook.com/robert.speth.79/videos/623398925456818
The screenshots are from the Colo. Secretary of State website. Transform Education Now (TEN) is the local arm of 50CAN, Inc headquartered in Washington, DC. Villagrana’s husband is the co-founder and a lobbyist for TEN. See Colo Secretary of State Lobbyist ID 20205037068.
“50 State Campaign for Achievement Now, widely known as 50CAN, is a network of state-specific organizations pushing for pro-voucher and free-market education policies across the country.”
See Villagrana’s association to out-of-state dark money: https://50can.org/about-us/financials/ and https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/50can-action-fund-inc/
Villagrana also received a $10,000 contribution to her campaign from a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party and owner of an oil and gas exploration and production company. See https://tracer.sos.colorado.gov/PublicSite/SearchPages/FilingAmendmentSelect.aspx?FilingID=326497
* Transparency in Contribution and Expenditure Reporting (TRACER) https://tracer.sos.colorado.gov/